Saturday 9 May 2009


Ken doh tiko.

I realized I seem to have either half-day or full-day activities almost every single Saturday and I have to wake up early every time. Chinese songs are emo. Lies by Big Bang is catchy. I want Big Apple doughnuts.

Went for foot drill training at BSMM HQ today. The St.Co group tested their voice by giving commands. Kong Teck's voice was loud and Onn pai seh didn't want to shout.

"Kamu minum air asam untuk pecahkan suara kamu."

That's what the dude from the army said. Can't remember if it was air asam or masam.

Some blonde girl on the Maury Show. This girl is whacked to the max man. Talk about insanity and ghetto-ness. Listen to the way she speaks.

I have nothing much to blog about. Exams are in 2 weeks. Bible Knowledge exam next Monday. I'll be blogging less but there will be more updates after the exams.

Till the,
