Sunday 3 August 2008


So I finally watched Batman: The Dark Knight.

Storyline was ok. Not great. But ok. Lots of talking. Quote from Nicholas "Suai ge" Lau -Why so much talking?

Well, the main villain is the Joker(Heath Ledger).

The late Heath Ledger as the insane but smart Joker. His acting was Awesome. Great actor.

Story plot, umm, didn't really get it at first. But after that, I was able to understand. Batman sounded pissy in the whole movie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of Batman.

As usual, Batman's gadgets were cool. His car and motorbike. Awesome. Awesome like Nelson's present for Darren. Still can't believe Nelson bought it.Hot.

Cool bike. It looks a little skinny but it's still cool.

The Joker with Batman.


In the movie, Harvey Dent became Two-Face. I wasn't expecting that. WOW.WE ALL CARE!*sarcasm*

Harvey "Two-face" Dent(Aaron Eckhart). He needs therapy.

Overall, I give Batman: The Dark Knight a 3/5. Too much talking and if you're the kind whose thinking isn't that deep, you won't understand it, or might go to sleep. That's only my opinion. Others have their own.

So yeah. I guess that's about it. I won't be posting anything for a while. Exams are coming and stuff.

Till then,


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