Monday 6 August 2007

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

So as you can see the title,Harry Potter yeah..I went to watch the movie last Saturday with my friends and boy was it interesting(in a sarcastic way) The movie was Boring with a capital B.(no offence)

When we went in, the movie had already started and we quickly found our seats watched..and watched..and *snores*..they were new characters in which most i didn't know. They cut out a lot from the book and Darren was devastated cause there wasn't any Quidditch!!!

The fight scenes between Dumbledore and Voldermort was cool with all the effects and all but honestly Dumbledore looked like he was gonna lose and Voldemort looked like he was gonna win. Almost at the end of the battle, Dumbledore was already like kneeling/lying on the ground while Voldemort was standing with a confident look.

One character in the movie really annoyed me though. Dolores Umbridge. Her voice is just annoying.

Umbridge(the one in pink)

Overall,i give HP a 3 outta 5

As Darren said "Umbridge is so gay*hand gestures*"

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