Wednesday 4 June 2008

Fuel Price Increase

For the record, I'm not ripping your idea wilson.

So Anyway, if you're a Malaysia and you might be wondering what? Well, the government decided to increase the fuel price by 80 cents. That's from 1.9 to 2.7, Diesel will be increased to 2.50. This will be effective by tomorrow or in other words 12 a.m today.

Cause of this, everyone is like rushing to the petrol station to fill up before 12 a.m to save money. Some just don't give a damn.

An increase of 80 cents for me is quite a lot but who am I to judge. Let's just see how it goes..

I guess that's that, but before that..

A picture of a plant I took after watering it..

water droplets...

p.s I don't know what to name my kitten. It's grayish with a little whitish. An suggestions?

It looks exactly like the kitten above.

Till then,


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