Friday 19 December 2008

Alien Environmentalist

Went to watch The Day The Earth Stood Still today. And well, it wasn't really good. Sort of an ok-lah kind of movie.

This movie is the remake of the 1951 version.

What I have to say about it is that, I felt the intro and the build up to the climax took a long time.In the movie, Klaatu(Keanu Reeves), some alien comes to earth to kill the human race to save planet Earth from dying. Why? You know, humans polluting the Earth and all. The reason why he comes to Earth isn't revealed until three-quarter of the movie. Maybe it's a way to build up suspense to why he is coming to Earth or something like that.

The spherical spaceship thing.

About an hour before Klaatu comes, Dr. Helen Benson (Jennifer Connelly), a Princeton professor, and other scientists are hastily assembled by the government in order to formulate a survival plan when it is feared that a large unknown object with a speed of 30,000 km/s is on a crash course to the Earth, due to impact Manhattan in just over an hour.

One thing I kept wondering was that there were at least 12 scientist in the group and yet, when Klaatu was brought to them, only 2 or so scientist appeared and the rest were nowhere.

Bla bla bla, fast forward, the part where the human race was suppose to be wiped out was too fast. The humans and all the man made buildings and stuff get devoured by some kind of minute insect creature from space.

It was like, swarm of minute insects coming to devour and in about 20 minutes, Klaatu stops it cause he finally realizes humans are willing to change to save the Earth. Finally the ending, Klaatu disappears and the sphere leaves Earth. The End. They don't show the aftermath or how the humans now deal with the Earth or something. Nada. Just end. Fast Ending. Nak nemu.

5 of 10 for me.

Anyway, besides watching a movie, I went to Toys R us and it was hot.

They have sign boards hanging above toys with the word This is Hot and Panas! Panas!
Hot indeed. They have so many cool toys.Transformers action figures, Marvel Comic action figures and stuff. I want the Star Wars Clone trooper helmet which makes sounds. Too bad they don't have a Darth Vader helmet. But then, the prices where not hot, easily around 100+ bucks. The helmet cost 179 bucks. Not hot. The Rubik's Cube sold there cost around 25 bucks where as in Ng Siang Hap is around 9 bucks and their the same.

I don't get why they sell bottles and plates there though.

Till then,


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